Governing Documents

Enabling Statute 

The Evergreen Underground Water Conservation District was created in accordance with Article 8280-297, Chapter 197, Acts of the 59th Legislature, Regular Session, 1965, as amended by the 60th Legislature in 1967, the 68th Legislature in 1983, the 69th Legislature in 1985, and the 88th Legslature in 2023.


Document outlining the purpose of the District and the rules that guide the conduct of the organization.


Texas state law enables groundwater conservation districts to draft rules providing for the conservation, regulation, preservation, protection, recharging, and prevention of waste of groundwater, and of aquifers or their subdivisions. Groundwater conservation districts are the state's preferred method of groundwater management through rules developed, adopted, and promulgated by the district. 

Proposed Modified Rules for October 2024 Hearing 

The Notice To Purchaser provides notice to a buyer prior to the buyer entering into a sales contract that the property is located within a district 

Management Plan 

Adopted on January 29, 2021, the Management Plan outlines the objectives and performance metrics for the District to achieve it's mission. 

Amended Management Plan as Adopted November 30, 2023

Modeled Available Groundwater by County - GMA 15

Modeled Available Groundwater by County - GMA 13

At the November 30, 2023 Board Meeting, the Evergreen UWCD Board of Directors approved a resolution adopting an amended Management Plan, updating the Modeled Available Groundwater.